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Shin Lim

Shin Lim

Facts about Shin Lim

Date of BirthSeptember 25, 1991
Shin Lim Net worth$2.5 million (details below)


Canadian magician Shin Lim is best recognized for being the current World FISM Champion for Close-up Magic, collecting a $1 million cash award, as well as the 2018 season 13 winner of America’s Got Talent. Additionally, he gained popularity due to his devious magic tricks, which even tricked people like Penn and Teller. Instead of calling it magic, he practices, perfects, and performs his SELF-CHOREOGRAPHED performances. He is renowned for using his mind-boggling finger to combine dexterity, flawless precision, and a hint of grace, leaving the audience in utter disbelief and awe. Later, he participated in the well-known reality TV program America’s Got Talent. He quickly became one of the audience’s favorites and the show’s top performer after a string of outstanding performances. He eventually stood out from the competition and took home the win. 

Shin Lim in America's got talent
Shin Lim in America’s got talent (ref: Instagram.com)


When videos of Shin Lim doing the magic act went popular online, he quickly rose to stardom. His achievement didn’t end there; he later won a $1 million cash award as the World FISM Champion for Close-up Magic. In addition, he won the 2018 AGT competition. The $1 million cash prize will be paid out in 40 years at a rate of $25,000 per year, or the winner can choose to receive the money immediately (present value of the annuity equals $1,50,000 after tax savings).

Many individuals wanted to learn his tricks and sponsor him from all over the world. Shinlim Magic, an online store where customers may purchase playing cards, books, and magic instruction, was established. Currently, the prices of the products range from $15 to $319, and sales are rapidly increasing. In conclusion, it is projected that Shin Lim’s net worth is currently above $2.5 million and is skyrocketing. 

Some Products sold on his website
Some Products sold on his website (reference: shinlimmagic.com)


Relationship Status Engaged on August 20, 2017, after he proposed to her.
Partners nameCasey Kathleen
Previous relationshipUnknown

He currently enjoys a fulfilling life with a wonderful work and romantic relationships. In order to show his affection for her, he frequently posts a snapshot of her on social media. They are still going strong with no indication that there may be issues brewing. They recently made progress in their relationship and are now anticipating the day when they can refer to one another as “Husband and Wife.”

Shin Lim with his girlfriend, Casey Kathleen
Shin Lim with his girlfriend, Casey Kathleen


Height5 feet and 10  inches
Weight75 – 80 kg
EyesDark Brown


FATHER: Up until now, he has not made any mention of his father.

MOTHER: He shared a picture of her on Mother’s Day, but he withheld her name and other identifying information.

Shin Lim with his mother
Shin Lim with his mother (ref: instagram.com)

BROTHER: He has a sibling who is older and who taught Shin some magic. The remainder is history.

He was brought up in Singapore. He became quite interested in magic when his brother demonstrated a few tricks, to the point where he taught himself how to perform it. To learn the tricks, he began to practice a lot and started watching YouTube videos. He began learning magic tricks and developing his own because he loved watching people’s reactions to the magic he performs.

schooling: His schooling and credentials have not yet been made public. However, he appears to be well-educated given his employment standing.


After seeing several magic feats performed by his brother, Shin Lim began studying magic. Using magic trick videos on YouTube, he taught himself. He currently does one of the best close-up card tricks using sleight of hand.

Additionally, he participated in the show that famous magicians like Penn and Teller hosted. The wizardry he performed twice tricked them instead of just once. Being able to trick some of the smartest and most seasoned guys in the intricate realm of magic is a noteworthy accomplishment for a magician. He also took home a $1 million cash reward as the World FISM Champion for Close-up Magic.

He has recently been seen on America’s Got Talent. He left everyone’s mouths hanging open in awe of the magic’s authenticity. He quickly won over the audience and advanced to the America’s Got Talent finals as a consequence.


In his remarkable career, he has garnered numerous honors. He has won numerous awards, including 2014 IBM Close Up Magician of the Year, 2015 International Brotherhood of Magicians, and the list goes on. He is currently the reigning FISM World Champion in Close Up Card Magic.



He hasn’t engaged in any unwelcome attention or rumors up to this point. He has always maintained a strict separation between his personal and professional lives as a professional magician. His supporters have always liked and valued his expertise and dedication. He thus displays no desire to start any speculations that might damage the career he has fought so hard to build.


PlatformFollowers (As of Septemeber 2018)Link

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